Video: How Jews create an everlasting lie


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Video: Do Jews make you INSANE? The Assassination of the Jew Allard Lowenstein: Part 1
We look at a rare event: When a White male kills a Jew, but not just any Jew. He kills a Jew he knew VERY WELL and whom he looked up to as an icon. Allard Lowenstein is a Jew who was elected to congress once.

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This is a short but very important discussion of how Jews build a lie out of any situation and how over time this lie is turned into a historical event. I also point out how decent behaviour by Christians towards Jews is repaid with evil.

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Video: Whites: Power Politics: How to have tea with the Queen
The vast majority of Whites don‘t understand how POWER really works. This is an introduction to power politics and how the world REALLY WORKS.

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