Video: JEWS AT WORK: olleges Claim Racism is Behind Everything, and When Race Trumps Merit, with Heather Mac Donald
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[Racism is a concept invented by Jews and pushed by Jews. It is really a weapon aimed exclusively at Whites. Whenever you see things like this popping up … know that JEWS are busy hard at work behind closed doors working to control and destroy White America. Jan]
Here’s the video:
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Video & Audio: WW3: Putin‘s next step: Setting Africa on fire: Sudan - Russia & China‘s only...
In February 2023 I made a prediction that Putin will need to start conflicts on other continents, especially Africa.
Video & Audio: WW3: Putin‘s next step: Setting Africa on fire: Sudan - Russia & China‘s only...
In February 2023 I made a prediction that Putin will need to start conflicts on other continents, especially Africa.