Video: INSANITY: Black Churches in Boston want $5 billion in Reparations from White Churches!!
Jews can have Christian & Muslim women as Sex Slaves says British Rabbi
The Rabbi who said this is the chief Rabbi of the UK and Commonwealth. This British Rabbi is actually a Jew from South Africa.
[This is just plain madness. This is what comes from the stupidity of Whites to admitting all kinds of fake crimes, like the fake crime of slavery, etc. Now you have Blacks, demanding a staggering $5 billion for their churches from White Churches. It is all about the fake crimes of racism, etc. If you open certain doors, you're asking for trouble. NOTICE the Asian Mayor who is responsible for opening this door as well! And then notice the White Christians who support this. This is all madness. Whites will in the end have to draw the line somewhere. Watch the video. I just burst out laughing at the fat black guy in the expensive suit who said he was suffering. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video & Audio: WW3: Putin‘s next step: Setting Africa on fire: Sudan - Russia & China‘s only...
In February 2023 I made a prediction that Putin will need to start conflicts on other continents, especially Africa.