Video: INSANE: I’m LIVID! – Biden the POS picks a Black General as the highest military officer in the US
Die Boere Staat Party - Kontak Ons
Hierdie is die Kontak ons-bladsy vir die Boere Staatsparty.
[That sack of shit, waste of White skin, Joe Biden, picked General Brown as the highest ranking military officer in the USA. I was, from time to time, watching statements by the US Department of Defense, and they have a Black who is the "Manager" but at least they had General Milley as the White man who was the most senior Military officer. I watched many times when these Press Conferences were given. As it was, there was already a Black as the WINDOW DRESSING … and now, God Help me, we will be seeing TWO BLOODY BLACKS IN THE FUTURE. I used to compare General Milley's answers with that of the Black who was with him, and I prefered to listen to what Milley had to say, and I thought he was the most professional. But America is NOT BLACK FFS. America is still mostly White. How the bloody hell can the White House Press Secretary be Black AND the guy in charge of the Department of Defense be Black AND the top US Military Officer be Black! If that isn't BLACK SUPREMACY and BLACK RACISM brought to you by that sack of shit Joe Biden, traitor to his own race, traitor to his nation, worthless piece of crap, then I don't know. Joe Biden makes me want to puke. I did appreciate at least listening to the statements and thoughts of Milley, and I thought he was unquestionably more professional than the Black they have there for Window Dressing. I looked at this General Brown, worthless piece of Black crap, who is apparently a pilot. This disgusts me. White Americans need to stand the bloody hell up for their nation and reclaim it. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Joe Biden, is a piece of crap at the best of times, but he dives ever lower and lower. White Americans, including Trump, are too WEAK TO STAND UP FOR THEIR OWN RACE AND THEIR PEOPLE. This is INSANE. Jews have got them all by the balls. One is weaker than the next. Yet another step further down for White America. White Americans are going to have to learn to use the R word and start talking about RACE. Until then, White America is just going to keep on sinking. I also heard that Bide, the piece of crap, PERSONALLY CHOSE to rather get Brown in. Biden – the lowest piece of shit to ever occupy the White House. And that's saying something when you're competing with worthless scum like Bill Clinton and Obama. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!
This is the story of how Napoleon tried to solve the Jewish problem in Europe nicely. He got all the Jews together. Then the Jews proceeded to lie to him and he realised it!