Video: How will AI change the world? – AI is like a JEW!!! – A great WEAKNESS of AI – My Comments
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Video: SA Race War: 1st Battle Between Blacks & Whites Part 1
Alex and I discuss a battle in Pretoria where a mob of white men and women fought blacks. A few people were injured, some seriously.
Video: SA Race War: 1st Battle Between Blacks & Whites Part 1
Alex and I discuss a battle in Pretoria where a mob of white men and women fought blacks. A few people were injured, some seriously.
[I listened to a professor who spoke about AI and its ability to do accurate, precise tasks. He pointed out how WRONG it can be. In some ways AI is like a Jew or a Black. It will seem to be awesome, when in fact it's wrong. But it can help with tasks. I've seen a little bit of it and will check it out for certain things. Think of AI as being like the Google Search Engine on steroids. Don't be afraid of White Technology. EMBRACE IT AND USE IT!!! Jan]
Here’s the video:
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Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!
Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!