Video: How the 2020 Election was rigged: How They Did It — True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phi llips on The Charlie Kirk Show


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AfricanCrisis Archive - 110,000 Articles from 2001 to 2012
This is my archive of my oldest articles, writings and news from my original website which ran from 2001 to 2012. In total, I managed to recover 110,000 articles. You can read them, search them and view them at this link. Just click SEARCH on the top right.

I am very pleased to see more and more serious information coming out about the rigged 2020 Presidential election. There are some rigged election stories that are bothering me. It is as if they might be trying to deflect it from the real JEW who rigged the election. I published the story about him months ago. I think they may be trying to deflect it away from the real Jew. I saw a Soros story recently that I don’t trust.

I have not watched this video yet, but it seems good. And I have downloaded it so I can study it myself.

In the meantime it’s here for you:

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USA:Colin Powell: In 20 Years Whites will be a Minority in America:Is there a future for Republicans
2008: General Colin Powell the racist. Colin Powell is supposedly a Republican but what a fence-sitter he is, and like with Oprah, they all just went and supported Obama because hes black.

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