Video: HITLER WAS PROVEN RIGHT: JEWS DESTROYED HARVARD: Academia is BROKEN! – Harvard Fake Data Scandal Explained – My Comments


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Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.

[Hitler used to laugh when Jews entered academia. Hitler once said something like this: "Can you believe Jews are teaching science?" He couldn't believe these worthless Jewish sacks of shit could enter something that was so stringent and intellectual. That may also explain why the Jews continue endlessly pushing the Jew charlatan Einstein who stole other people's ideas. He could not even make his own calculations work for YEARS. You might not know this but the CHINESE are faking their academic papers on a MASSIVE SCALE. Now it turns out that Harvard WHICH IS THE MOST JEWISH DOMINATED UNIVERSITY IN THE USA … IS also faking data. Hitler would have laughed at this and said: I told you so. These Jewish sacks of shit are perverting and harming the incredible work of the greatest minds of Western Civilisation. Jews are crap and Jews stuff up everything they touch. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: The Greatest White Wolf of the Internet Age: Viking Anders Breivik
After watching this video, I think you will understand why the Jews are working overtime in the USA to disarm white males...

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