Video: FTX: Jewish Super Crook: Sam Bankman-Fried Has DIRECT TIES To The White House! UNBELIEVABLE!!
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Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.
Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.
[This filthy little Jew rat who stole about $8 billion, is very bold, and he's ensured he has lots of political links. Well, here's a new shocker: He has links right to the White House! Chew on that! That Jewish crook planned his crookery years ahead of the time and he worked years ahead of time on CORRUPTING American politicians. I fear that justice will NOT be done with this Jewish bag of crap. Jan]
Here’s the video:
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Nation Revisited
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.
Nation Revisited
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.