Video: Former Biden official makes stunning claim about president’s border policy
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Here’s a more detailed explanation of how Biden issues rules that just make things deliberately worse:
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Get a Free PDF Book: RAHOWA! This Planet is OURS! By Ben Klassen
RAHOWA means: ‘Racial Holy War‘. Ben Klassen in America invented that term.Ben Klassen is a brilliant German-American who began to worry about the future of White people in the 1960s. He is also the author of The White Man‘s Bible.
Get a Free PDF Book: RAHOWA! This Planet is OURS! By Ben Klassen
RAHOWA means: ‘Racial Holy War‘. Ben Klassen in America invented that term.Ben Klassen is a brilliant German-American who began to worry about the future of White people in the 1960s. He is also the author of The White Man‘s Bible.