Video: FANTASTIC: Tucker Carlson is a RACIST and very likely an ANTI-SEMITE!!! – My Comments


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Afrikaanse Boeke op AfricanCrisis
Hier is ‘n paar boeke wat jy nie in gewone liberale winkels sal kry nie!

[Woo hoo!!!! This is wonderful. Now all these weak, pathetic, spineless scum want to beat up on Tucker Carlson and they're trying to tear him down and destroy his character, but I like what is coming out. He's RACIST!!! Yeah!! FANTASTIC! And he hates some of the female executives? Maybe they're bitches. As for anti-semitism – hey – anyone who is an anti-semite is a freaking hero! Tucker Carlson sounds like a REAL MAN with REAL VIEWS. So don't worry about all these weak, spineless, bunch of faggot liberal, Jew-ridden cry babies. We NEED WHITE MALES WITH A BACK BONE AND AN ATTITUDE AND THE ABILITY TO SEE THROUGH THINGS AND FIGHT BACK. They are NOT PERFECT, but on the whole, these are the kinds of White men who start shaking things up and changing the world into a better place. They can slander Tucker Carlson all they want, but I don't care. He has some balls and he grew to have CONFIDENCE in himself. I hope that Tucker Carlson one day, is the President of the USA. I think he has more sense than anyone I've seen on the American front in a long time. He will stand up for something. That's for sure. I'm sick to death of these weak, worthless, grovelling, spineless sacks of shit that you see everywhere in the Corporate Jewish world. It's time for Whites to be Whites and to START KICKING SOME ASS!! Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: 1970: Angola: Incredible Portuguese mother beats Black terrorists in a gunfight
In this video I discuss two feats of courage by white civilians during war in southern Africa. The one is a feat by a 16 year old white boy, and the other, much more incredible story is what a 28 year old Portuguese mother did in Angola.

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