Video: Fantastic News from Germany: AFD – EXTREMISTS! – Germany’s Election Result SURPRISES Europe – My Comments


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Der Videokanal des deutschen Helden Horst Mahler
Horst Mahler aus Deutschland hat mir einen Link zu seinem neuen Videokanal geschickt. Verbreiten Sie es gerne weiter. Der Mann ist ein Held. Sie behandelten ihn im Gefngnis sehr schlecht und er verlor seine Beine. Der Mann ist ein Held, der fr die Wahrheit kmpft!

[This is great news. The Germans are in a real spot. They were forced to have an Anglo-American-Jewish definition of "Democracy" … but now… there's the rising AFD … and they are, by the silly definitions of JEWISH-controlled Germany EXTREMISTS! But what do you do when the EXTREMISTS ARE WINNING ELECTIONS? How can you then call them extremists? The Germans are in a real spot. Will they be able to ban and keep the AFD down? That's what we need to see. What happens with the AFD could be one of the most important things that happens in Western civilization in the next year or two. I would LOVE to see the AFD winning. If only we could see Germany arising and starting to do its own thing. I'm really hoping that with all the crazy shit going on in the world that maybe, just maybe the Germans start changing. Even if they change a BIT, it will be a great sign. The Germans must stop bowing down so much. Even just a tiny bit of change will be great. I'm holding thumbs for the AFD. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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