Video: EXCELLENT: Turkey – EU member: Your time of death is coming: Turkey attacks Israel for Hamas attack – My Comments


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2002: 60 of Blacks said life under Apartheid was better
This is a story from Britain on my African Crisis Archive. Of course life was better under Apartheid, but nobody wants to admit that White rule was better. In 2023, Blacks are still realising this truth, but few dare say it.

[Erdogan has a big mouth, and I doubt he or the Europeans will want Turkey to leave the EU. But what he says is AWESOME! Now some pro-Jew pro-Israel Americans are freaking out about it. This is excellent news. Clearly there is anger in the Arab/Muslim world. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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White Shop: Solitaire (one player) Board Game: RECONQUISTA: The Struggle for Moorish Spain
Winner of the wargame category in the 2014 solitaire print and play contest. The game is a solitaire area-movement wargame, simulating the Reconquest of the Iberian peninsular by the Christian kingdoms from the 8th to 15th centuries.

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