Video: Excellent: Japan plans to pay people to have babies – White countries could do this and more…
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Get a Free PDF Book: The White Mans Bible (1981) By Ben Klassen
Im very pleased to be giving away this old classic, which is designed only for white people and it includes commandments for the White Race!NB: This is NOT normal religious spiritual stuff. This is based on NATURE, REALITY, HISTORY and SCIENCE.NB: NB: Ben Klassen was a very far thinking White man who was concerned for our race. The Church of Creativity was his creation. The Church of Creativity existed in America, Britain and even in South Africa. In South Africa it existed in the early 1990s and was run by a Professor. The concept of Whites as CREATORS is very import. CREATORS say: ‘Our Race is our Religion‘.
Get a Free PDF Book: The White Mans Bible (1981) By Ben Klassen
Im very pleased to be giving away this old classic, which is designed only for white people and it includes commandments for the White Race!NB: This is NOT normal religious spiritual stuff. This is based on NATURE, REALITY, HISTORY and SCIENCE.NB: NB: Ben Klassen was a very far thinking White man who was concerned for our race. The Church of Creativity was his creation. The Church of Creativity existed in America, Britain and even in South Africa. In South Africa it existed in the early 1990s and was run by a Professor. The concept of Whites as CREATORS is very import. CREATORS say: ‘Our Race is our Religion‘.
[I think this is a small step forward in Japan. I think the Italians in recent years were also paying couples to have kids. This is a step in the right direction. This is the first step that Western countries could use to help White couples. But Hitler did it the best. Hitler created the correct culture and education for his people and then there were no problems. That combined with his fantastic economic system did the trick. It is CAPITALISM that is holding Whites back from having babies like crazy. And we should BREED LIKE RABBITS. Jan]
I like the Japanese, and here’s a video about them paying for babies:
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