Video: Electricity Collapse: Stupid useless Black Communist South Africa: Lots of management shuffling – My Comments


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2004: After White Farmers chased out of Zim: 100 White Zim Farmers create 4,118 Jobs in Mozambique
After Mugabe chased White Farmers out of Zimbabwe, small groups of them went to other worthless Black countries and made a massive, positive impact.

[All this management crap results in nothing. One moron and fool is replaced by another moron and another fool. I've seen enough of these systems, and I saw lots of them in the corporate business world. It's all stupid crap. It leads nowhere. Whites are wasting their lives dealing with these Blacks. We need to strike out on our own and get our own independence. Jan]

Here’s some TV news from South Africa with these weak Liberal White women on TV:

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Video: Why White Men have been losing Wars since WW2
For a very long time Ive pondered why White men have lost so many of these racial conflicts since WW2. In this video we look at quite a number of things that affect war. We take a specially close look at the Vietnam War and the Rhodesian War. The Vietnam war is unquestionably the greatest disaster that White men have experienced in a RACIAL WAR.

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