Video: Dr. Fauci caught in another series of lies by vaccinated MSM news anchor whose family got COVID-19


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From Alice Frischmann of Smoloko How to increase White Population Growth My Comments
Increasing the White population should, in my view, be our HIGHEST STRATEGIC PRIORITY. We must have children, at a frenetic pace the maximum pace that is physically possible. We need numbers.

[Note Fauci quoting Israel … the people who are his bum chums. Despite all his "data" it seems to me his VACCINE is no good. Jan]

You can view the short video here:

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From Alice Frischmann of Smoloko How to increase White Population Growth My Comments
Increasing the White population should, in my view, be our HIGHEST STRATEGIC PRIORITY. We must have children, at a frenetic pace the maximum pace that is physically possible. We need numbers.

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