Video: Does anyone use or know what PragerU is? – Prager: Corporate Media Fear One PragerU Video Will Undo All the Leftism of Years of Public School


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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: The Incredible White Heroes of the USA: Rockwell, Bob Mathews & more
This is a very important interview. Tom tells of many things that in US Right Wing history that have been forgotten.

[Who is behind this? Is this from the "Good Rich" or from Christians or what? They have an enormous budget. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: General Von Manstein: Advice on HOPELESS sitations for Nations
Many Whites have told me that our situation is hopeless in all our nations including here in S.Africa. In this video I take a look at brilliant White men who lived through the hell of war and what they thought about hopeless and desperate situations. What did these men think who had spent years of their lives handling desperate, dangerous and hopeless situations.

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