Video: Did Ukraine sabotage Nordstream Pipeline? – Is Ukraine Waging A Secret War To Defeat Russia?


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Video: STOP FARM MURDERS!!! Black Politicians are directly responsible for Farm Murders!
This is a short video I did which quickly gives you some background into farm murders and why I, and others say that Farm Murders are caused directly by black politicians. Here are many facts about Farm Murders in South Africa that you dont know!

[I don't trust Jews, and I have mentioned the Jew Seymour Hersch before. This comes from independent assessments by the US Govt and the German Govt. The Germans give more details and say Ukraine did this. This makes more sense to me. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: The Incredible White Heroes of the USA: Rockwell, Bob Mathews & more
This is a very important interview. Tom tells of many things that in US Right Wing history that have been forgotten.

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