Get a Free PDF Book: The Jews by Hilaire Belloc (1922)
This is one of the greatest analyses of the Jews that has ever been done. This book was published in 1922.Hilaire Belloc was a very prolific French writer and thinker. A wonderful aspect of this book is that it contains information about the Jews and their hideous deeds (e.g. in Russia) which Jews have tried very hard to completely remove from history. When you read this book you will realise that in 100 years, absolutely nothing has changed. He also hints at the Jews being behind the ‘South African War‘ (i.e. The 2nd Anglo Boer War).
[Nature is nasty and Whites need to realise that all of nature is dangerous. This is where men play a critical role. I was watching some videos of komodo dragons eating. They can swallow a lot of prey whole. But they don't kill them. They swallow the living animal whole. It is kind of cringy to watch, but this is REALITY. The most astounding thing I saw was a komodo dragon swallowing a young goat head first. But the most astounding thing is that the goat was alive in its stomach. Even after it had swallowed the entire animal you could heat the goat in its stomach bleating. I couldn't believe it was still alive and its bleating was very clear and easy to hear. In the film footage below a Komodo dragon swallows a young monkey. But the monkey's legs and tail present a problem. I am just ASTOUNDED at how an animal that can't really chew, is able to adjust its jaws and its body to swallow such an animal. It amazed me that the komodo could itself remain alive. The design of that animal is crazy!!! It was beyond belief. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video: BANNED: The World War the Jews LOST! (1919-1939)
This video was not long on youtube when they banned it. I keep hearing from close friends as well as from other people who do analyses that the Jews ALWAYS WIN! The Jews NEVER LOSE! This is utter nonsense.