Video Channels: #TeamWhite & White Unity – with Alex Linder
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Jews, the Masters of Assassination & Murder
Tom Metzger told me that the Jews had 2 contracts out to kill him! Tom explains his view that Jews murder anti-communists and white right wingers in the USA. We discuss his many experiences from the past.
The #TeamWhite channel is a channel run by Alex Linder and Jan of History Reviewed. ( & ). Due to the actions of the Jews and the strikes against #TeamWhite I created a backup channel called: White Unity where I will post all the new videos done by Alex and myself.
We also did videos about Matt Hale, America’s No 1 WHITE Political Prisoner. We’re about to do an update on it. Also, coming out TODAY is the video Alex and I did called: Christianity: The Dangers of putting Religion before Race – This is intended for ALL Whites, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Here is the link for the White Unity Channel: Christianity:
Here is the link for the #TeamWhite Channel:
Cartoon: S.Africa: In Hell, the Devil said Lets get this party started
Let me explain this cartoon. On the far left is President FW De Klerk, who handed over SA to Black rule ergo hes a traitor....