Video: C02 Race War: Coligny: Did Whites kill a Black Child? What the autopsy revealed!


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Video: Ban Judaism!
This video did not last long on Youtube. This is a video where I explain why Judaism should be BANNED! It should be outlawed and made ILLEGAL!

Right-Click here to download the Video

Backup Video:

I go through the many details that you aren’t being told about what led to the death of this black teenager who was stealing the farmer’s crops. I discuss what led to his death and the subsequent autopsy. Despite the Police and all the authorities knowing that there was no crime, mysteriously rumours (fueled by Malema’s EFF?) began spreading. This led to the protest march that became violent.

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Video: Human Evolution: What are Jews and why they are VERY DANGEROUS!
We take a scientific look at Jews. I compare their behaviour to that of parasites that live on animals. I look at the behaviour of Whites and Jews in the same was that we would study the behaviour of animals, and we look at actual film footage.

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