Video: Brilliant: November 2020 Analysis: Will Russia Attack Ukraine?


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Video: Professor Quigley: Evolution of Civilisation: How the American Elite Think
DONT MISS THIS VIDEO: This is one of the very most important videos I have ever made. I urge people to study this closely. What I am going to tell you in this video, are things youve definitely NEVER HEARD.

This is an American analysis from November 7, 2020; based on whether Trump’s re-election could spark the problems in Europe. However, nobody saw Biden coming. Remove Trump from this, replace it with weak scumbag Biden and you might have the answer.

Even so, check out this analysis of how the Russian military would fare in a Ukrainian invasion. I am extremely impressed with this prediction. These Americans literally nailed it:

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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: How Jewish Money & White Greed; Destroys successful White societies
This is one of the most fascinating discussions Ive had with Tom. We end up discussing whites and what actually works for whites. The highlight is when we get into the topic of the Confederates and slavery and how the economy made more money when whites owned their own little farms and produced their own goods.

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