Video: Bretton Woods. 22 Days that Changed the World – My Comments


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White Shop: Rhodesia: Military Patch: Be A Man Among Men Morale Patch
This patch is based on a Rhodesian Army Recruitment poster that we used to have in Rhodesia which read: Be a Man among Men.

[This guy is a Liberal, and I don't like the angles he has. However, this short video gives some background into a critically important thing America to change the world. At the end of WW2, America had two thirds of the World's Gold!!! Just think about that. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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S.Africa: Oprahs Embarrassing Girls school could end up expelling more
One of the Black girls was sent to Tara Hospital which is basically a mental institution. Oprahs, school had many problems... later they just did everything in secret and there‘s a lot of security. It still exists.

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