Video: Biden’s failing mind: No-Show Joe: White House bizarrely cuts feed to stop Biden taking questions – Weird
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[Biden's mind is f*cked. And he even says something weird like "what do you want me to do Nance?" – a reference to Nancy Pelosi? Is Biden ready to drop dead? Personally, I would not give a shit. I think there's nothing lost there. Maybe that's the plan so Kamala can get in, and then you have another Jewish related non-White communist and idiot as the leader. NOTICE: REAL WHITE MEN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAD. WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE GENUINE WHITE LEADERS. This is a fact. Jan]
Watch dumb ass Joe who is on his last legs:
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Video & Audio: Jews tried to steal a part of Germany in 2012 for another Jewish State!
We look at the Jewish scam of 2012 to steal the entire province of Thuringia from Germany. I look at the many plans for Jews to get lands for free from other powers.
Video & Audio: Jews tried to steal a part of Germany in 2012 for another Jewish State!
We look at the Jewish scam of 2012 to steal the entire province of Thuringia from Germany. I look at the many plans for Jews to get lands for free from other powers.