Video & Audio: Whites: How to do Activism Effectively – also: Creating a White Political Army
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White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.
White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.
People have been asking me for solutions. In this video I discuss an idea that someone raised with me about whether activism by writing can work, especially for the problems we have in South Africa with murders. I discuss in details what my mentor, the late Dr Chris Jordaan taught me. He had spent 20 years in military intelligence and was well known in intelligence circles in Europe. I discuss activism against businesses and at even higher levels.
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Video: Jews as a CANCER in Western Society: How Jews DISTORT White Society
There are Jews who have referred to Whites as a Cancer. I look at Jews as a Cancer inside White society.
Video: Jews as a CANCER in Western Society: How Jews DISTORT White Society
There are Jews who have referred to Whites as a Cancer. I look at Jews as a Cancer inside White society.