Video & Audio: The Mysterious Jewish Tunnels at the New York Synagogue – What is really going on there?


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Video: The Jews tried to kill Adolf Hitler 42 times!
In this video we will look at the 42 times they tried to kill Adolf Hitler. But what is missing from the discussion is the most obvious thing (just like with the death of George Lincoln Rockwell the US Nazi), the JEW!!

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The Jews were caught unexpectedly at this. Here is an analysis of what we know so far and why I am extremely skeptical about the Jewish stories that relate to this.

Note that the Jews even claim that their famous Rabbi is/was the Messiah!

I discuss the Jews as the chosen people of God and the Jewish claims about the Messiah.

This was recorded on 2024-01-21.

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British author asks: What did we win in WW2? 10 Myths (lies) the British believe about WW2!
Im delighted to see the British asking themselves questions about the utterly stupid war they fought, exclusively for the benefit of world Jewry!

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