Video & Audio: TeamWhite 2021 No 3: Mega-Violence & White Survival
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Best Independent Website that monitors Russian Tank losses in Ukraine War
Oryx is a brilliant independent Dutch website that monitors lots of military losses including the losses of Russian and Ukrainian tanks. They ONLY count vehicles that they can get photos of and can prove that these are the correct vehicles that were destroyed. This link will take you to see the verified Russian tank losses and you can click to see the photos.
Best Independent Website that monitors Russian Tank losses in Ukraine War
Oryx is a brilliant independent Dutch website that monitors lots of military losses including the losses of Russian and Ukrainian tanks. They ONLY count vehicles that they can get photos of and can prove that these are the correct vehicles that were destroyed. This link will take you to see the verified Russian tank losses and you can click to see the photos.
This show was recorded: 2021-08-06. In this show, Alex and I focus mostly on South Africa and the extreme violence which took place in July 2021. This is the most concerted violence ever in the history of South Africa. It was mostly spread over 9 days, but it’s peak was over a period of 3 days. It related to the arrest of former President Zuma. I discuss with Alex, the source of the violence and also the long term implications for Whites.
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Video: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere!
Whites EVERYWHERE are gradually being fooled regarding leadership and management. Most Whites dont have a clue any more what real, proper, White leadership is like or the tremendous heights it can achieve.
Video: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere!
Whites EVERYWHERE are gradually being fooled regarding leadership and management. Most Whites dont have a clue any more what real, proper, White leadership is like or the tremendous heights it can achieve.