Video & Audio: S.Africa: Court: The Infamous Coffin Case – What really happened
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SADF: 1981: South Africa Kills some Soviet Officers & captures a Russian in fighting in Angola
South Africa said today that its soldiers had killed some Soviet army officers and captured a warrant officer during its eight-day operation in Angola against black nationalist guerrillas.
SADF: 1981: South Africa Kills some Soviet Officers & captures a Russian in fighting in Angola
South Africa said today that its soldiers had killed some Soviet army officers and captured a warrant officer during its eight-day operation in Angola against black nationalist guerrillas.
Here, for the first time, is a direct discussion of what really happened in the infamous Coffin case, from an attorney who was directly involved.
Two White Afrikaans men were jailed for putting a Black in a coffin and scaring him and threatening him. My attorney, a Boer named Marius, later got involved in the case and managed to get some justice finally for the Whites who had longer sentences than you would get for murder.
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Total and daily combat losses of Russia in Ukraine
This page shows the total losses by the Russians daily, for personnel as well as all types of equipment. e.g. Tanks, Artillery, Planes, Helicopters, APVs, etc.
Total and daily combat losses of Russia in Ukraine
This page shows the total losses by the Russians daily, for personnel as well as all types of equipment. e.g. Tanks, Artillery, Planes, Helicopters, APVs, etc.