Video & Audio: S.Africa: A meeting of the Boers to discuss the future & freedom
Video: Professor Quigley: Evolution of Civilisation: How the American Elite Think
DONT MISS THIS VIDEO: This is one of the very most important videos I have ever made. I urge people to study this closely. What I am going to tell you in this video, are things youve definitely NEVER HEARD.
At the end of April 2021, I was invited to a meeting of Boers, where they discussed the future and also how to attain FREEDOM for themselves. The Boers are descended from the Dutch who dared to go into Africa to seize land for themselves. They created 2 Boer Republics, the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. There were 6 in total, but the others failed. It was these 2 main Boer Republics that the Jewish controlled British decided to invade in order to seize all their incredible mineral wealth.
Various documents were drawn up as a result of this meeting. If you want to find out more about this meeting, the documents and the goals, you can email this Boer gentleman: [email protected]
100 Genuine Original Militaria: Third Reich: Gold Cross of Honour of the German Mother
In recognition of the substantial importance a womans role and motherhood was in support of a strong German Reich nation, the Cross of Honour of the German Mother was introduced by decree in Berlin on 16 December 1938 by Adolf Hitler.