Video & Audio: Adolf the Great: Hitler and Controversy


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Video: A Rich Jew treats aged Whites like cattle: They are Malnourished and thrown out
In this video we take a look at a very wealthy Jew in Queensland, Australia who owned an old age home. He just shut the old age home down and literally threw them out on the street.

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

About 15 Years ago, a White, English South African named Edwin had a website called: I discuss Edwin and his website. He only made one video ever, and called it: “Hitler and Controversy”. We look at it, and I discuss it.

This was recorded on: 2023-06-17.

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Video & Audio: School of the West: Teaching White Kids: There are Adults who will lie to you!
Brant is the guy behind The School of the West. We had a chat about why he thought it was necessary to teach White Children about their history. The work he does really impresses me.

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