Video & Article: Canadian Bullshit from the F*cking Government: INTERVIEW: Sarah Miller, Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s lawyer, discusses judge’s decision


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White Shop: Fire Force: A Troopers War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
This is the best book Ive read about Rhodesia which describes the life of a young soldier who is in the Fire force. These guys were called into battle several times a day and the fighting was hectic. This book is very well written and you never get bored.

[The title, wherein I wrote: "Canadian Bullshit from the F*cking Government" – is exactly what a Canadian lady sent me. There is a video at this link: – But I'll post the whole article below. After a time, Whites will just get tired of the endless bullshit everywhere. I switched off my TV and radio here in South Africa in 2012. That's almost 10 years ago. I don't miss any of the mass media crap and bullshit, whether it comes from the Government or the Liberals or the Communists. One grows tired of the crap. Eventually, Whites will tear everything down. That's coming. Jan]

Today in court, Justice Adam Germain gave his troubling decision on sanctions relating to the contempt of court matters for Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid Pawlowski.

The decision was on one hand a victory for Artur’s legal counsel Sarah Miller of JSS Barristers, as she rightfully dissuaded the court from mandating further imprisonment against the Pawlowski’s for their refusal to close their church.

On the other hand, the sanctions imposed by Justice Germain raised new issues and challenges that were extremely problematic, to say the least.

Bizarrely, before Justice Germain announced his decision, he went on an extended tirade against Pastor Artur comparing him to a drunk driver who was endangering lives.

Justice Germain then spoke at length about the COVID-19 pandemic, echoing the talking points of government officials and Alberta Health Services.

None of his comments were material to the contempt of court matter before him, but if there was any doubt as to whether this trial was about upholding the law or making a political point, his rant laid that conversation to rest.

As soon as it becomes available, we will provide you with the transcript of court proceeding so you can read the unbelievable content of Justice Germain’s comments for yourself.

The sanctions Justice Germain went on to announce would only further confirm the politicization of the Pawlowski’s case.

While Artur and Dawid Pawlowski were not going to be hauled to prison as a result of the court’s decision, some components of the sanctions are profoundly troubling.

Dawid faces a $10,000 fine and joint responsibility for the legal costs incurred by Alberta Health Services and a troubling 12-month probation period which we will discuss below.

Meanwhile, Pastor Artur faces a combined $23,000 fine plus joint responsibility for legal costs incurred by Alberta Health Services, in addition to 18 months probation.

Both brothers were also assigned community service work, which they have been told cannot include the weekly efforts to feed and care for the homeless through their ministry.

Included in these problematic probation periods are some unsurprising restrictions — like an expectation that they will adhere to health restrictions — but beyond that, there are some limitations that undermine Artur’s capacity as a pastor, and, quite clearly, seek to mute him as a political critic.

Firstly, in an apparent attack against Pastor Artur’s American speaking tour, which Justice Germain referenced frequently before reading his decision, Artur is not allowed to travel outside of Alberta.

Furthermore, Artur and Dawid have reportedly been ordered to include a scripted disclosure of government-approved medical information regarding masking, vaccines, and COVID-19 ostensibly with every comment they make publicly.

This component of the sanctions amounts to a compelled speech mandate — a direct attack on free speech, proving beyond any reasonable doubt that these proceedings have always been about one thing: stifling those who dare speak out.

Artur, as you well know, is not one to be stifled.

Nor are we here at Rebel News.

So we plan to fight appeal this absurd decision, but we need your help to do so.

Sarah Miller, who joined me to discuss Justice Germain’s decision and her ongoing efforts in defense of Pastor Artur, is already hard at work on the appeal process for this decision.

If you want to help with this vital legal battle, you can do so at now.


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Video: The real evidence for Farm Murders in South Africa
This is the nastiest, hardest hitting video ever made about S.African Farm murders and the murder of Whites. This video is JAM PACKED with information the SA Government and President do NOT want you to see. They have lied to the Mass Media and even to American and European Presidents.

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