Video: Are the Russian troops ready to invade the Ukraine?


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Audio: SMASH THE JEWS: Christian founder of Protestantism: On Jews & their lies
Luther, the founder of Protestantism may even have advocated the murder of Jews among many other actions that he believed should have been done to them. Here is a full audio book done by Alex Linder where you can hear what Luther actually says.

This is not a bad analysis from these Indians. They do a better job than the dumb Liberals. In the West the Jew media is just screeching wildly for war. Here is a better assessment. The Indians are closer to the Russians and the Chinese and I’m watching their analysis. It’s pretty good.

But don’t get too worked up … WAR IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. This is all just staged crap. The Russians and Putin like the Chinese are just playing with that dumb fck Biden – piece of crap. And the Jews like Nuland, the evil bitch are involved in Ukraine. I cringe when these Jews are floating around. Ukraine is also run by a JEW I think. Oh God. Just fcking Jews everywhere.

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A VERY comprehensive, detailed list of Jewish power Everything the Jews control in the USA
This is the most comprehensive and detailed list (with breakdowns and percentages) of Jewish power that Ive yet seen. This is stunning.

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