Video: Are Jews at work? – New poll suggests Harris leading Trump nationally for the first time – My Comments
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Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.
Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.
[Jews aren't interested in White cucks and Whites who lick their boots. They look down on them. They would be much more interested in getting some degenerate like Kamala in the White house – a non-White mixed race moron. For them, they'll do their UTMOST to try to prevent a White getting in, even if he licks their boots. They are obsessed with crushing the image of WHITENESS in the White House and elsewhere in the West. I find it very suspicious that a total moron is passing Trump by, even after the assassination attempt. So I ask: Are Jews at work rigging the election? Jan]
Here’s the video:
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Video: A Lesson for Whites from Napoleon & the Romans regarding other Races
In this video Im going to shock you. But whites must learn to harden themselves, men and women alike. We must harden our minds and stiffen our resolve and well be able to handle our enemies with the greatest of ease!
Video: A Lesson for Whites from Napoleon & the Romans regarding other Races
In this video Im going to shock you. But whites must learn to harden themselves, men and women alike. We must harden our minds and stiffen our resolve and well be able to handle our enemies with the greatest of ease!