Video: 3 Videos: WARNING: America’s Stock Markets in a Super Bubble – IMPORTANT FED MANIPULATION OF MARKETS – My Analysis
Video: Hitlers Women: A Quick Overview of some of his LOVE interests!
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[Let's watch some videos, then below it I'll discuss some things. We're watching seriously important things. Everything is on the edge. Jan]
Here’s the first video, a discussion with an expert about the US Stocks being in a SUPER BUBBLE. But the question becomes, WHY HASN’T IT CRASHED YET?
Ray Dalio, a billionaire investor, who, as best I can understand is not a Jew, has been warning endlessly, perhaps for a year or more, about a mega stock market crash. Here’s he’s warning about a Financial Crisis for 2022:
Here he’s warning about a Depression:
I have some respect for Ray Dalio. I think he’s one of the few Whites at the top, and like any decent White, he tries to tell the truth and to warn people of bad news. Grantham, who is in the first video might also not be a Jew, and he too is trying to tell the truth.
But if they are telling the TRUTH, then why are they WRONG? Well, I think these guys are ASSUMING that we are looking at a FREE MARKET! But we’re NOT. The market is heavily manipulated. Take a look at this expose for example – The Fed is sending a critical team of people to the FUTURE MARKET. Why? Because they are probably MANIPULATING THE FUTURES PRICES so as to control the market itself. Read here:
The Stock Markets, ON WHICH EVERYTHING DEPENDS … and I mean EVERYTHING, are in a bad way. The US market dropped 1,000 points a week or so ago and it caused a panic. My favourite charting is here, these old Point-and-figure charts. You’ll see the market dropped quite nastily, but it is now busy rebounding:,PWPADANRNO[PA][D][F1!3!1.0!!2!20]
In terms of fear, the market is experiencing fear, but not excessively so:
I have warned that these markets are almost at the limits of what is possible. However, as I’ve said, the Fed and the US Government know that EVERYTHING, almost the ENTIRE WORLD’S ECONOMY, is riding on their stock markets. They can’t let the markets implode.
What really happened, is that The Fed is now suddenly, "fighting inflation". Why? Because they pumped so much money into the markets that the USA, and the world, will ultimately head into inflation and hyperinflation.
It might be a GOOD SIGN, that The Fed is now on an "inflation fighting binge". It may show that The Fed believes they can have their cake and eat it. So this year, the Fed might increase interest rates up to 5 times.
The Fed MANIPULATES THE MARKETS. This is what is in your face, but nobody calls it that. I suspect The Fed uses computers, mathematicians, economists, etc along with complex formulas and algorithms to calculate, when and how, and how much, to manipulate the market.
The Fed has bought hundreds of billions of dollars worth of stocks in recent years in order to ARTIFICIALLY PROP UP THIS MARKET WHICH IS ALREADY OVER PRICED. It seems to me the Fed is going to try to use it’s computers, formulas and math, to calculate how to fool the markets in order to DUMP, hopefully, hundreds of billions of dollars of that stock. It seems they are hoping, over 2-3 years to dump $2.8 trillion of stock THEY BOUGHT TO ARTIFICIALLY KEEP THE MARKETS UP.
Exactly how well this plan will work, I don’t know. But there is a limit to what they can do. But, I do think that Dalio, Grantham and lots and lots of other market analysts, don’t seem to realise the super-sophistication of THE FED in it’s ability to manipulate the markets.
The more I look at the markets, the less I believe The Free Market exists. Also, the markets have, years ago already, reached their peak. And the super buble is being ARTIFICIALLY MAINTAINED. They will try to artificially correct it, by fooling investors and ARTIFICIALLY CREATING CONFIDENCE IN THE MARKETS.
It’s my view that things like Gold, Silver and stock market indexes, are all highly controlled.
Gold does NOT behave the way it should and Silver even less so. I suspect that there are insane levels of market manipulation going on in order to keep the markets up.
In theory it is impossible for this to be done indefinitely. It seems to me though, their computer methods are very sophisticated and so far have helped fool the world for years.
For us to end up with an almost total wipe-out, worse than 1929, will only require a LOSS IN CONFIDENCE. That would pull the plug. But I do think, what is fooling everyone, including market analysts, is the sophistication of the methods of manipulating the markets by the Fed, using computers, mathematics and statisticians. I think that is the only reason why the entire junk edifice hasn’t falling into the ground.
I have lost ever more faith in the notion that FREE MARKETS exist. There’s no such thing.
It looks as if, most of 2022, the markets will be weird and they’ll crash down somewhat from time to time. The BAD NEWS is that at the moment, Gold is not moving where it should. That too, I suspect, is being heavily manipulated. It seems though, as if the most manipulation lies in Silver.
So it looks like a wild year ahead.
But one day, this entire thing will come down. When it does, it will destroy everything. They are playing with fire.When it crashes, which could still be years away, maybe even decades, it could wipe out EVERYTHING … not just in America. When the US Market totally collapses one day, it will wipe out everyone else.
Liberalism brought us this. Globalism … endless fake support and belief in globalism and investment everywhere. When it crashes, it could wipe out everything.
But they clearly are aware of the need for all kinds of fakery and manipulation in order to FOOL PEOPLE INTO BELIEVING ALL IS GOOD. The only real question is: How good is their fooling? How long will they fool everyone? I do think they are good at it and this game could continue for quite some time.
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