Video: 1961: Whites enjoying lovely Colonial Africa: Tanganyika – German East Africa


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White Shop: Fire Force: A Troopers War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
This is the best book Ive read about Rhodesia which describes the life of a young soldier who is in the Fire force. These guys were called into battle several times a day and the fighting was hectic. This book is very well written and you never get bored.

[In 1961, German East Africa was under British rule. It had been since WW1. You can see how nice it was and how much the Whites enjoy their holidays there. It was probably safer back then than the Western world is now. Jan]

Here’s the video:


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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.

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