Very Short Ukraine War Summary: Russians blew another dam – Ukrainian advances – How fast is it?


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The Ukrainians are advancing and fighting more and more. But, most of their fighting is really with light vehicles including, can you believe, HUMVEES!!! They are using some tanks but not many. They are already cutting through some areas and starting to penetrate deeper.

I’m getting the feeling that the Ukrainians are advancing faster than the Russians were. But in time this will SPEED UP.

The Russians recently retreated out of a village and they BLEW A DAM to slow down the Ukrainians. So Russian dam blowing is probably going to be a common thing.

IMPORTANT: The Ukrainians have still NOT used their Western Armoured fist of 9 tank brigades.

The main armoured fist is still in reserve. When it comes into action … it could be wild … perhaps like a bit of a Blitzkrieg … like something we’ve not seen since the Americans in Iraq or Hitler’s fantastic Panzers – EVERYWHERE!

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