VERY IMPORTANT: WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?? – All-day load shedding for the week ahead – here’s the new sche dule – My Comments
Pic: AWESOME MEME: 1934 Machine Guns When White Society was responsible Gun Laws
Whites have never been babies. We do many dangerous things without even thinking about it. In 1934, even a child could order a machinegun by mail order. There were zero school shootings back then.
[All these rolling electrical blackouts have another twist to them. It was expected we would have a serious problem during winter. Winter is now over. We are in SPRING and suddenly, out of the blue we have rolling blackouts like never before! Today I went to the bank to pick up an ATM card. While at the bank, a Black guy was dealing with me. The Black guy who is middle aged quietly told me that the rolling Black outs are so bad, that the Bank's own backup systems, which can run for 8 hours at a stretch, FAILED! He told me that the banking branch itself ran out of power TODAY for a few hours!!!! So I asked him what does he think is going on? He said to me he thinks the real story behind these rolling Blackouts is BRIBERY BY BLACK POLITICIANS!!!! He may be right. But it shows that even some of the Blacks realise that this is a load of crap. I was amazed that the Bank's own power ran out because they've spent huge amounts of money preparing for power outages. So there's more to this electricity stuff than just Black incompetance. There is other Black nonsense going on. This is why we Whites, Boers especially, must sort out our own state. We can't live like this. Look at this stupid shit that's come from Eskom below. Jan]
Power utility Eskom says that all-day load shedding will continue this week until further notice.
Stage 3 load shedding will resume at 16:00 today until 05:00 on Monday. Thereafter, Stage 1 loadshedding will be implemented until 16:00, followed by Stage 3 loadshedding until 05:00 on Tuesday.
This pattern will be implemented daily until further notice. Eskom will publish another update should any significant changes occur.
Sunday, 27 August
Stage 3: 16h00 to 00h00
Monday, 28 August
Stage 3: 00h00 to 05h00
Stage 1: 05h00 to 16h00
Stage 3: 16h00 to 00h00
Tuesday, 29 August
Stage 3: 00h00 to 05h00
Stage 1: 05h00 to 16h00
Stage 3: 16h00 to 00h00
For people living in the major metros, load shedding schedules are available here:
City of Johannesburg
City of Ekurhuleni
City of Tshwane
City of Cape Town (PDF)
Nelson Mandela Bay
Buffalo City
For access to other load shedding schedules, Eskom has made them available on
Smartphone users can also download the app EskomSePush to receive push notifications when load shedding is implemented, as well as the times the area you are in will be off.
The amount of derivatives is several times more than the enormous debt of the US Government. The fake money created by the Bankers makes the US Government Debt look like nothing.