VERY IMPORTANT: The Real Goal of the EVIL JEWS OF ISRAEL: Sucking America & the West into a WAR TO DESTROY IRAN! – Playing the Christians for FOOLS


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White Shop: Communist Safari 1979 Rhodesia Light Infantry T-Shirt
The Rhodesian Light Infantry was an all-White unit.

Let me tell you what the real goal of these disgusting Jews of Israel is. That Netanyahu is a master at playing the West, and he also tries to FOOL CHRISTIANS. I’ve watched his game. He plays CHRISTIANS FOR FOOLS.

THE JEWS WILL PLAY ON THE "END TIMES THINKING OF THE CHRISTIANS" in order to goad the Christians to come and fight in the "final war" … because God/Jesus is coming. Or they will just try to con them into giving money, weapons, etc. These Jews want the Christians to think THIS IS IT … AND YOU MUST WORK WITH GOD IN ORDER TO FIGHT THE ENEMIES OF THE JEWS.

But the enemies of the Jews have NOT posed an EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO THE JEWS. They CANNOT DESTROY ISRAEL. But the Jews want to mess with everyone’s head and con them into thinking this is THE BIG ONE. Jews regularly play Christians and play them for FOOLS.

Jews are NOT any kind of special people with special links to God. That’s just an old con game they are playing on White Christians.

The goal of these disgusting Jews, since the early 2000’s has been to try to trick and lure the USA into DESTROYING IRAN. Iran is the only enemy they have that has not been destroyed by America.

These Jews are carrying on AS IF IRAN is attacking them, which it is NOT. There IS NO REASON FOR THESE JEWS TO ACTUALLY GO to invade Lebanon. Hezbollah was trying very much to NOT fight these Jews. Now these Jews are invading Lebanon – which they have done before and they fought a whole war there where they stayed there for a long time. This is nothing new.

These Jews are just trying to wangle ways to that America goes and feels sorry for them and then uses its military power to attack IRAN. That’s what these rubbish Jews want.

Furthermore, they will try to draw THE ENTIRE WEST into a needless and pointless war in the Middle East, including Iran – a war that the West really has no interest in, and a war the West does not need to fight. The West has got no problems with the Middle East or most of the Arabs/Muslims. The West is on good terms with the Middle East and handles the issues quietly and most of the West buys oil and trades with the Middle East as they need and see fit.

IRAN and the MIDDLE EAST DO NOT POSE AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO ISRAEL. They are in fact MILITARILY WEAKER THAN ISRAEL. They can fire some rockets and missiles and that’s about it. They CANNOT come even close to wiping Israel out.

But these scumbag Jews want Christians and the West to believe that they have no choice and that they are under attack.

The Jews went and killed TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PALESTINIANS IN GAZA WHO WERE CIVILIANS. Now the Jews are invading Lebanon. But the threat from Lebanon is NOT an existential threat to the Jews. It never has been. The JEWS HAVE INVADED LEBANON BEFORE AND SPENT YEARS KILLING PEOPLE IN LEBANON.

Netanyahu is a Jewish SNAKE who loves playing Christians and Whites for fools. He and his father were the MASTERMINDS BEHIND 911. The man is an evil piece of crap, and he has played Americans for fools before.

The stupid Jewish state of Israel IS NOT UNDER AN EXISTENTIAL ATTACK. They are the ones who have made out as if they are under some kind of imminent and massive threat, but in fact, all along, since last October it should be obvious they have OVERWHELMING FIREPOWER AND THEY CAN AND DO SLAUGHTER Arabs AT WILL.

The KEY ISSUE HERE is that Jews are doing their UTMOST to suck America AND EUROPE into a conflict that has nothing to do with the West, and for the West to fight and kill people who are not a threat to the West. The Middle East has a problem with ISRAEL because the Jews seized a land, Palestine, which was overwhelmingly Arab and Jews have colonised it. That is the real issue here.

For those with a real interest in history, and who are not afraid to look into it – THERE NEVER WAS A STATE IN ANCIENT TIMES CALLED ISRAEL. JEWS NEVER RULED PALESTINE. It was ruled for thousands of years by: Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. There NEVER WAS AN ISRAEL.

The West has no dog in this fight, nor does America. But the Jews are abusing American military power and America and the West, and trying to get White men to go and kill people who are NOT A THREAT TO US and ARE NOT OUR DIRECT ENEMIES.

As it is, the USA went and SLAUGHTERED over 5 million Arabs after 911 on fake pretenses, and the Jews are hoping for an even BIGGER SLAUGHTER. They want the West to kill huge numbers of Muslims/Arabs FOR THEIR BENEFIT.

No White man should go and waste his time fighting for these worthless people.


Leave the Arabs/Muslims alone to deal with the Jewish issue. Israel NEVER EXISTED – it is a recent colony. ISRAEL NEVER EXISTED IN HISTORY. THE RULERS OF MYTHICAL ISRAEL ARE MYTHICAL PEOPLE WHO NEVER EXISTED AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT THEY EVER LIVED. e.g. King Solomon, King David, etc. These are people who NEVER EXISTED.

Israel, as a nation, never existed. All archaeology shows who ruled it and it is well documented. That region was ruled by: Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans and others. No Jewish state EVER EXISTED THERE IN HISTORY – PERIOD.

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Video: What Adolf Hitler said about the Boers
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