VERY IMPORTANT: Telegram: People think Jan is writing about Christian Identity – I am NOT


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White Shop: The South Will Rise Again flag
All flags are a polyester blend material and are 35 (3 feet by 5 feet) in size and have strong metal grommets.

In recent days, some of my supporters have come to me quite concerned that I am promoting Christian Identity. Unfortunately, nobody was giving me links to where they were seeing this, and it’s taken me a few days to realise the source of this. The problem has to do with Telegram.

I only created my Telegram groups recently, in the last year or so. But there is a Telegram group with this name:

When I created my telegram Channels for my sites, I discovered that other people had been using my name on Telegram and were posting things in support of my work. I did not have a problem with that. The first one I discovered was the above one, HistoryReviewed. I discovered this because I wanted to create my own historyreviewed channel on Telegram when Telegram told me the name was taken.

I discovered another group more recently where someone used my surname and created a group called: "The Last Rhodesian".

My own "Official" Telegram Channels for History Reviewed are:
History Reviewed TV:
History Reviewed:

Returning to the channel this other guy in Europe started: I asked him, since he was using my website name, if I could post my videos on his Group, and he gave me permission to do that. I saw that he was posting lots of good Hitler and German and NAZI stuff on his Group so I was very impressed and even complimented him on what he was doing.

Our arrangement has worked well and I was happy with it. I am happy that people wanted to watch my videos on that Group and the arrangement was fine.

However, in recent days people have been writing to me about "my Christian posts", especially Christian Identity, and I had to tell them that NO, I am NOT writing anything about Christian Identity. I last mentioned Christian Identity years ago.

Take note that this Group: has the Title: "History Reviewed Channel (Unofficial)"

Unfortunately, people seemed to have thought that ALL the posts on there were from ME – which is not the case. In fact, the only posts from me were my videos or, on some occasions when I write a short message.

I have left messages for the owner of that Group to please do something about making it clear that his posts, or the posts of anyone else on that group, are NOT FROM ME. I do not interfere with their posts, but I just want it to be clear which things came from ME and which did not.

I had quite a few supporters come to me with complaints. This was one of the harshest: "Hey Jan : what’s up with the flood of identity Christian nonsense? This even one ups the flat earth nonsense."

I went on to the History Reviewed Channel (Unofficial) and I posted these messages now to clear the matter up:

VERY IMPORTANT: People are coming to me claiming that I am writing about Christian Identity. I am NOT writing or posting ANYTHING about Christian Identity. If you ever come across posts about Christian Identity that people think are coming from me then contact me. I have NOT written ANYTHING about Christian Identity in YEARS!

Special Note: I do NOT involve myself with what White people believe in terms of religion. Religion is a private matter. I know about religion. I was very spiritual myself at various points in my life. However, I am now an atheist. But, I think Hitler’s approach to religion in the form of "Positive Christianity" was the best way to approach things. The NAZIS were SUPPORTIVE of Christianity and they did not set out to fight it or to crush it like the Soviets and Jews did. They worked with it, and during Hitler’s time they even built hundreds of new Churches. I agree with the way Hitler and the NAZIS approached Christianity. Many Germans, even senior Generals like Von Manstein were proud of being Christians. I leave Christians to think whatever they want to think about the past or their beliefs. So I do NOT write about Christianity and its various flavours. I do NOT write about Christian Identity, etc. I think even Dr Pierce, who was an atheist, played a role in the creation of Christian Identity. I think he saw value in going down that path. I just want to ensure that the views of other people are not mistaken for MY VIEWS – that’s all. Other people can believe and think and promote whatever they want and I will respect their views and let them have their free thought and free speech and freedom to believe as they see fit. I have asked the owner of this group to try to ensure that other people’s views are NOT mistaken for my views, because it is now spreading that I said these things, but that is not true. Thanks.


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White Shop: Vierkleur Flag: 35 Boer Transvaal Republic South Africa
3x5 (foot) (90 cm x 150 cm) Rough Super Polyester Nylon 150D Flag. 4 Rows of sewing on fly side & real brass grommets (Will not rust). UV block protected fade resistant technology and anti rain and acid protection material. Excellent heavy duty wind weather / wind resistance.

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