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White Shop: Adolf Hitlers Beautiful Painting: The Munich Opera House
Much of Hitlers art was created during his time as a struggling artist in Vienna and Munich, where he sold watercolors to support himself. Some of his works are owned by collectors and institutions.

[I wrote this note about 2 days ago, but it's still relevant. Jan]

This very sudden, blitzkrieg in Syria, is yet another example of the importance of speed in military matters and how well this works. The question is why this is happening now. It seems a bunch of different rebel groups were assembled to engage in this fight. In the past the FSA (Free Syrian Army) was backed by America. This war in Syria is yet another proxy war. The (Jewish Bolshevik) Russians were the original masters of proxy wars across the world. That’s where the "Liberation" of Africa and Asia comes from. It was all done through proxies. Vietnam was a proxy war by the Soviets. Vietnames fighting Americans while Russia sends the weapons. But since the 1980s America has been playing the proxy game itself. I used to follow the Syrian war closely because it was very interesting. The Syrian Government of Assad, was saved by Russia mainly. However, Iran seems to also be a main supporter of them.

This current attack is probably backed by Turkey, but also the USA. If the USA pretends it is not involved then rest assured the CIA was handling this secretly. There is also talk that Israel may be playing a role in helping the "rebels". The "rebels" are probably US+Israel approved. The Russians have a naval base and an air base in Syria. I expected the Russians to be the main players saving Assad. I’m surprised that the Russians and Iranians haven’t moved faster. It seems the rebels are at Damascus. The Syrian army’s morale seems to have been collapsing. If the Russians and Iranians can’t stop the rebels from taking Damascus, then this could be game over for Assad. There are news reports that Assad has fled the country. We have to ask ourselves, why this is happening so suddenly and so fast. I think this is part of the plan of bringing the Ukraine war to an end, and this benefits Israel BIG TIME. The Ukraine war is getting wilder because Putin wants to be in the best position.

I’ve mentioned the Russian mindset, that was used in Africa where the Russians pushed the Blacks to fight harder whenever the Whites weakened. That’s the same thing here. Trump already seems to be taking over from Biden and Trump seems to be consulted already and he’s agreeing to things, and helping to drive the strategy. The USA is definitely making moves to save Ukraine, but Israel is also tapping into US Power. Israel’s strategic problem is that Iran has Hezbollah on their doorstep in Lebanon. And that’s the toughest army they face. The IDF does not really seem to have managed to achieve much with either Gaza and even less so in Lebanon. It seems to me that Hezbollah is in Lebanon by way of Syria, and the logistics runs from Iran, through Syria to Lebanon. I suppose it could go through Iraq, but I think American power over Iraq may be too strong. Therefore, knocking out Syria could benefit Israel in a big way. These rebels seem to be anti-Iran, and if so, then this is huge.

By knocking out Assad quickly, it could be the biggest victory Israel has had since the 1960s. If I had to guess, I’d say the CIA was involved in this. This event is too sudden and too fast to be an accident. There’s more to this than meets the eye. If Syria disappears then Russia and Iran may have lost their ability to touch Israel directly. If a new Syria comes into being, or a part of Syria comes into being, that blocks the route of Hezbollah, or hampers Hezbollah, then this could be a huge win for the Jews of Israel. This also serves to cause a loss of face for Putin. Will the Russians lose their airbase and naval base in Syria? That looks likely. This might even be Trump at work. This saves Israel, and it makes Putin look bad. Putin is so tied up in Ukraine, that he might now have lost leverage in the Middle East. For Iran this could be a big blow. Israel is safe. The lazy Jews may have gained a lot from this. Russia and Iran could be a big losers.

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2005: S.Africa: Black Children as young as 5 have sex at school
This was a news story from the mass media about young Black children having sex at school.

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