VERY IMPORTANT: PETITION: No BLM flag at American embassies! – My Comments


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#HateSpeechHell: South African Censorship & anti-White Hell
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[This is good. You can sign it at the link below. I have reproduced the text below the link. Whites need to resist and PUSH THE HELL BACK! All of us must do this EVERYWHERE. Jan]

Here’s the petition you can sign:

The Biden Administration has incredibly given permission to U.S. embassies to fly the Black Lives Matter (BLM) flag alongside the American flag for the rest of the year.

This order is an outrageous and insulting affront to American identity and sovereignty, and must be rescinded immediately!

Please SIGN this petition to demand that U.S. embassies around the world fly the American flag ONLY!

According to a leaked memo, quoted below and published by Human Events News on Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken urged embassies to push Black Lives Matter messaging and authorized them to "hang BLM flags" "for calendar year 2021."

"As outlined below, Chiefs of Mission may decide to hang BLM flags, as appropriate and depending on local context. This cable constitutes a blanket written authorization for calendar year 2021 from the Under Secretary for Management (M) to display the BLM flag on the external-facing flagpole to any Chiefs of Mission."

"The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond. We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact."

Of course, eliminating racism is a positive thing, but NOT by promoting the Black Lives Matter organization or movement which have been linked to the following radical actions and ideas:

  • Violent protests and the general destabilization of our society
  • Defunding of our police departments
  • The overthrow of the nuclear family
  • Perpetual marxist revolution

Only a miniscule proportion of the American population supports the radical ideology and actions of the BLM organization and movement. In fact, polling shows that a strong majority of Americans believe that "All Lives Matter," rather than just the lives of just one race of Americans.

The Biden Administration’s promotion of this Leftist symbolism and ideology is both dangerous and deliberately misleading.

And, it is the worst kind of virtue signaling, as the message being sent to the rest of the world is: "Get on board with the radical, marxist and revolutionary ideology of the BLM organization and movement if you want a favorable response from the United States government."

This kind of cultural imperialism and coercion is downright insulting to our allies and partners abroad.

But, it also demonstrates how the current U.S. administration is beholden to the radical leftist element of the Democratic Party — which is downright insulting to most average Americans.

Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition demanding that the U.S. Department of State rescind permission to fly the BLM flag at U.S. embassies around the world.

Then, please CONTACT the Department of State by email or by telephone, to politely, but firmly, demand that only the U.S. flag, and not the BLM flag, be flown at U.S. diplomatic installations.

The State Department may be contacted by email at this webpage:

The Office of the Secretary of State may be contacted at this telephone number: 202-647-4000


‘US embassies around the world fly Black Lives Matter flags with Biden’s backing’ –

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A Summary of the Crimes of the Jews against Christians and Whites
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