VERY IMPORTANT: Only 2 people in Italy actually died of Corona Virus – it kills the old – My Comments
A Note I wrote to Boers: How I awakened to the Jewish Issue and was shocked
This is a note I wrote to some folks I know. JanI USED TO HAVE JEWISH BEST FRIENDS, EVEN IN JERUSALEM IN ISRAEL, I WAS IN A SYNAGOGUE I USED TO BELIEVE EVERYTHING JEWS TOLD ME: I used to know a lot of Jews, and some of them were best friends. Theyd visit me or Id visit them. I worked with Jews.
[Below is an article in Italian, along with the translation into English that I ran. Here's the crux. It seems the doctors can prove that ONLY 2 people actually died of the virus itself and that everyone else had other serious conditions which were the leading factors in their deaths. This is as I've said before that when you're very old, it takes just a little “push” on your health to actually kill you, and one of many things can do that. Furthermore, the doctors can show that the people who died from corona, not only had other severe conditions, but that they were mostly above 80.
div>As for the Jews, they may be crashing economies, and doing many nefarious things under the cover of this, which we'll find out about later. Jan]
Here’s the English, followed by the original Italian:
Coronavirus: ISS, in Italy there are only two deaths ascertained so far due to Covid-19
Rome, 13 Mar 19:12 – (Agenzia Nova)– The people who died from the coronavirus in Italy, who did not present other pathologies, could be only two. This is what emerges from the medical records examined so far by the Higher Institute of Health, according to what was reported by the President of the Institute, Silvio Brusaferro, during the press conference held today at the Civil Protection in Rome. “Positive deceased patients have an average of over 80 years – 80.3 to be exact – and are essentially predominantly male,” said Brusaferro. “Women are 25.8 percent. The average age of the deceased is significantly higher than the other positive ones. The age groups over 70, with a peak between 80 and 89 years. The majority of these people are carriers of chronic diseases.
These are the first minimum detailed data provided so far by the Civil Protection on the causes of death of coronavirus patients. At present, in fact, the authorities are unable to distinguish those who died from the virus, from those who, on the other hand, are communicated daily to the public, but who were mostly carriers of other serious diseases and who, therefore, would not have died from Covid-19. In response to a question from “Agenzia Nova”, in fact, Brusaferro was unable to indicate the exact number of coronavirus deaths. The professor, however, clarified that, according to the data analyzed, the vast majority of the victims “had serious pathologies and in some cases the onset of an infection of the respiratory tract can lead more easily to death. To clarify this point, and to provide real data, “as we acquire the files we will go further in depth. However, the populations most at risk are the fragile ones, carriers of more pathologies”. (Rin) © Agenzia Nova – Reproduction reserved
Original Italian:
Coronavirus: Iss, in Italia i decessi accertati finora per causa del Covid-19 sono solo due
Roma, 13 mar 19:12 – (Agenzia Nova) – Le persone morte a causa del coronavirus in Italia, che non presentavano altre patologie, potrebbero essere solo due. E’ quanto risulta dalle cartelle cliniche finora esaminate dall’Istituto superiore di sanità, secondo quanto riferito dal presidente dell’Istituto, Silvio Brusaferro, nel corso della conferenza stampa tenuta oggi presso la Protezione civile a Roma. “I pazienti deceduti positivi hanno una media di oltre 80 anni – 80,3 per l’esattezza – e sostanzialmente sono prevalentemente maschi”, ha detto Brusaferro. “Le donne sono il 25,8 per cento. L’età media dei deceduti è significativamente più alta rispetto agli altri positivi. Le fasce d’età superiori ai 70 anni, con un picco tra gli 80 e gli 89 anni. La maggioranza di queste persone è portatrice di patologie croniche. Soltanto due persone non sono risultate al momento portatrici di patologie”, ma anche in questi due casi, l’esame delle cartelle non è concluso e potrebbero, dunque emergere cause di morte diverse dal Covid-19. Il presidente dell’Iss ha precisato che finora dagli ospedali di tutta Italia sono pervenute “poco più di cento cartelle cliniche”.
Sono i primi dati un minimo dettagliati forniti finora dalla Protezione civile sulle cause di morte dei pazienti affetti da coronavirus. Allo stato attuale, infatti, le autorità non sono in grado di distinguere coloro i quali sono morti a causa del virus, da quelli che, invece, vengono quotidianamente comunicati all’opinione pubblica, ma che erano in massima parte portatori di altre gravi patologie e che, quindi, non sarebbero deceduti a causa del Covid-19. Rispondendo a una domanda di “Agenzia Nova”, infatti, Brusaferro non ha saputo indicare il numero esatto dei decessi da coronavirus. Il professore ha però chiarito che, in base ai dati analizzati, la grande maggioranza delle vittime “avevano serie patologie e in alcuni casi l’insorgenza di un’infezione delle vie respiratorie può portare più facilmente a un decesso. Per far chiarezza su questo punto, e fornire dati reali, “man mano che acquisiremo le cartelle andremo ad approfondire ulteriormente. Comunque le popolazioni più a rischio sono quelle fragili, portatrici di più patologie”. (Rin) © Agenzia Nova – Riproduzione riservata
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