VERY IMPORTANT: CANADA: LIBERAL/JEWISH HELL: Political Prisoner Leslie Bory Was Severely Beaten in Prison Several Weeks Ago


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In the 1970s Rhodesia came up with this logo with this cute little elephant. There were LOTS of elephants in Rhodesia and the Whites were proud of that. The classic elephant and flag logo used by the Rhodesian Tourism authority in the 1970s and 1980s to promote tourism to that country.

[This is very bad news from Paul Fromm of CAFE in Canada. His nose has been broken, and his ribs have been broken and he has many other injuries. This is really bad. As Paul remarks there has to be some video footage. Now let's see if there is any justice for Leslie. But let's not be too surprised at how he's treated. Once you criticise the Jewish scum then these hateful people do all sorts of things. Now the legal side interests me a lot. So he is charged under sections 318 and 319. Now we have actual laws we can look at. This is what I wanted to know. Here's the summary: If he's found guilty of promoting genocide, he gets 5 years jail time (max). In section 319, it specifically states that antisemitism is a crime in Canada. If you deny the holocaust lie, you can get a 2 year jail sentence. So it seems that Leslie could get 7 years jail time. That is very bad. But now that I have the actual laws, I'll look more closely at this. Canadian law and South African law actually borrow from each other. But in South Africa, antisemitism is NOT a crime. Denying antisemitism can't get you jail time. In South African law, all of this boils down to HATE SPEECH. So the laws are almost identical, but in Canada, the stupid Jewish holocaust LIE, can get you 2 years jail time. However, even if Leslie did not specifically mention the holocaust, they can still toss him in jail for the promotion of "hatred" against Jews. The law is very similar to South Africa, so they could say he is promoting hatred against the (junk) religion of Judaism for example. I looked into the history of this. In the 1980s, a White man in Alberta who was the mayor of a small town and a teacher taught his pupils about the evil of Jews. He ended up having a massive fight in court regarding section 319. He even appealed. He fought a long and complex battle and was fined $5,500, but he was able to engage in a full court battle again, and got a fine of $5,000 but he never stopped talking about the evil of Jews. He was stopped from being a teacher though. He really did well. But the laws now seem tighter. And if you try to deny or modify the stupid Jewish holocaust, you can get 2 years jail time in Canada. It's very sad. It shows you that Whites are being crushed down in their own society. Jews have been hard at work destroying Canada. I might do a video about this because this legal stuff is very important and all Whites need to understand the law. One of the key things though, is that one needs to see what exactly is the evidence that they need to convict you on. I do think poor Leslie is going to have a hard time. I think a couple of years of jail might be where this goes. Below is also the address for Leslie Bory in jail. Please give him some support. Jan]

CAFE has just been informed that political prisoner Leslie Bory, who faces three counts of harassment because of a February Internet podcast and may soon face charges under Sec. 318 (wilful promotion of genocide) and 319 (wilful promotion of hate against a privileged group) was severely beaten, in late September, at Maplehurt Correctional Complex in Milton, Ontario. Mr. Bory has no criminal record but Ontario’s highly politicized judicial system has refused him bail. Murderers and violent perpetrators of assault and use of dangerous weapons are out walking the streets on bail, but populist political dissidents languish in jail.

Mr. Bory writes: "I have now been injured in prison which, I believe, is another form of minority violence used by the real dictators of Canada who write our laws to dissuade others from speaking out. I have a broken nose, two black eyes, a gash on my forehead that needed stitches. I have a gash on the back of my head and cuts on the left side of my head and bumps all over my head and two broken ribs and scrapes on my knee and hand." Apparently, Mr. Bory was assaulted in the prison exercise yard by another inmate, identity unknown. The prison authorities are investigating. A person knowledgeable about the prison states that there must be video of the assault. Mr. Bory’s lawyer was informed.

"I was told that I would be charged with ‘advocating genocide’ which carries a five year sentence" for warning about a certain minority that, Mr. Bory believes, have tried to commit genocide.

CAFE sent our recent newsletters to Mr. Bory. The envelope was returned with a non-explanatory letter that said: "We are sure that you can appreciate our need to ensure that illicit drugs and other contraband/unauthorized items are not introduced into the institution." Then, a long list of examples followed. Highlighted in pink magic marker was "newspaper clippings." But we sent Mr. Bory the Free Speech Monitor and the Canadian Immigration Hotline, not newspaper clippings. Oh, well, let’s fight to protect democracy in the Ukraine, while freedoms are trampled here in Canada!

You may drop a letter or postcard of support to political prisoner Leslie Bory at this address:

Leslie Bory,
c/o Maplehurt Correctional Complex
661 Martin St,
Milton, ON.,
L9T 2Y3

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