VERY IMPORTANT: A Topic Nobody in America is talking about: BLACK ON WHITE CRIME – Any Websites?
When the Blacks tried to genocide all the Portuguese in Angola: The Battle of Carmona
We look at the first day of the bloodiest racial conflict that ever took place in southern Africa, the war between the Portuguese and the blacks. It was a war the Portuguese were definitely going to WIN!
[Here are some sentences from a discussion that I was a part of. These were frustrated White Americans. I recall some time ago there was a good American website that was doing stories on Black on White Crime. If anyone knows of any websites that publish Black on White crime stuff I will happily publish links back to them. The problem we Whites face is that we all have to roll up our sleeves. I can see a need for more websites, and if we don't have people willing to create them and work them then we won't go anywhere. The Jews nab the money and then they finances their own stuff. In our case, it's more a case of labour and work because we don't have enough funds. But WE MUST MAKE NOISE. I will happily post links to any websites and blogs that deal with Black on White Crime. It is horrific. And the Jews are always covering for the Blacks – hiding their crimes and keeping it out of the Mass Media. I notice for example on Youtube there are tons of White on White crimes – but the real horror is the wildness of these Black lunatics. Jews unleashed these Blacks on our race everywhere and Jewish lawyers even save their worthless lives in court. Jews are responsible for all this mayhem. But feel free to leave me details of any crime websites or anyone who publishes stuff on Black on White crimes. Truly folks, we need to roll up our sleeves. Everyone needs to dive in and work. Jan]
This was an exchange:-
John Kaminski wrote:
Too bad Colin Flaherty died. Stan Hess and Jared whatshisname talk a lot about this. Let’s ask Stan. He’s more up on this than I am. And maybe a few others.
Michael wrote:
John, I want to attack and bring notice to something no one wants to talk about and that is what has become a social epidemic in this country and that is Black on Black and Black on White Crime. Any ideas?
Video: The European Race as an Immortal Biological Animal
What are Whites? Are we individuals or groups or some other arrangement? Professor Quigley raised this question for all humans. He also explained what Hitler thought. One day I had an interesting side chat with Matt Hales Mom and another lady, and the subject of Immortal Animals came up.