Very Early results for Trump looking very good? – JEWISH PROFESSOR WHO IS NEVER WRONG – MIGHT BE WRONG BIG TIME!!!!!!


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I’m no expert on US elections, but I’m sticking around to watch. This is a very important election.

I see the very earliest results in New Hampshire are looking good, and in Indianna its looking even better … damned good in fact.

Please don’t miss the video I posted where the Jewish academic shitbag "Professor who is never wrong" … watch that video. It is at this link:

Watch his prediction at the above URL where he says: TRUMP WILL LOSE! And they have constantly said this Jewish professor IS NEVER WRONG!!! REALLY? Well watch that Jewish MOFO be TOTALLY WRONG TODAY! The shitbag!

To me these first tiny bits of results seem to body excellent things ahead.

Maybe we’ll see a huge TRUMP/WHITE LANDSLIDE! I bloody hope so!

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