Very Creepy: Jewish hag Yellen’s plan for spending $150 trillion on Transformation of US Economy


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Much of what is in this book was probably written by the KGB and the South African Communist Party. In it‘s day the KGB was the biggest spying organisation on Earth, with tens of thousands of agents in America alone. They even operated in South Africa. This advice in this ANC Manual was published in Black Magazines in South Africa to teach the Blacks how to operate Covertly against the Whites.

[This is very very weird, and it comes from the old Jewish fed hag. Unfortunately, the website that is putting this out, Distortion Report, wants people to sign up and pay – which I won't do. But what is this Jewish plan? And they say Musk and Bezos are in on this. How do they want/need to "transform" the US Economy? There is a LOT of very weird global crap coming out of the powers that be who rule us. I don't trust these scum. Jan]

Dear Reader,
This is troubling.

Have you heard of COP26?

Almost nobody has.

Amid the distractions caused by lingering health issues, conflicts overseas, shortages, and inflation…

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently took the stage at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland to address some of the world’s most powerful people, including:
U.S. President, Joe Biden…
British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson…
Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau…
French President Emmanuel Macron…
… and many more…

From the stage, Yellen called for world leaders to commit to a $150 trillion ‘global transition’ of our economy.

Since then, Bank of America has signed this accord, along with 131 countries, 234 cities, and 695 of the world’s biggest companies.

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk have invested in this ‘transformation’ as well.

What is it that Yellen, Biden, Trudeau, Bezos and Musk are pushing for?

And what does it mean for your money?

Investigative journalist and renowned economist, Nomi Prins has followed the money…

And what she’s found is startling.

She says:

“While most Americans are distracted by mainstream media headlines calling for a stock market crash, I’ve found evidence that shows where the elites are spending $150 trillion to ‘transform’ the economy. Most Americans will be shocked when they see what happens next.”

I had to know more, so I scheduled an interview for Nomi to go deeper into the details of this ‘transformation.’

She agreed to do the interview on one condition: she wanted to record it so she could get her message in front of as many Americans as possible before it’s too late.


Maria Bonaventura
Senior Managing Editor, Distortion Report

Source: Rassmussen Reports

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Video: BB9 & Jan: Trumps Refugee Status for Boers Elon Musk & Why Mandela NOT executed
We discuss the status of Whites in South Africa and what effect Trumps Refugee status has had on the Afrikaners. I also answer questions and I explain that Nelson Mandela was guilty of High Treason and he should have been executed.

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