Vaccines Killed Far More People than Covid


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Doctors and scientists are warning the public about the deadly consequences of Covid mRNA “vaccines” after yet another study has concluded that “vaccinated” people are far more likely to die than the unvaxxed.

A study from leading scientific researchers has emerged that warns of the devastating impact on public health caused by the Covid mRNA shots.

Researchers from Ohio State University found that patients who contract COVID-19 are twice as likely to die if they received an mRNA injection to supposedly protect them from the virus.

The news comes amid growing concerns about the shots and repeated warnings from renowned doctors, scientists, and academics.

Dr. David Martin, a celebrated American financial analyst, recently raised the alarm over evidence that Covid mRNA shots have now killed more people than they helped.

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During an interview on British comedian Russell Brand’s podcast, the host asked Martin:

“Do you believe that those medications [COVID shots] killed more people than they saved?”

“What we can say is every single adverse effect was, in fact, an effect that happened WITHOUT a social benefit,” Martin responded.

“In other words, the cost to society and the cost to the individual taking the injection outweighed any proposed benefit whatsoever.”

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“My God,” Brand replied.

“And that is an absolute statement,” Martin asserted.

“More people died from the intervention,” he added.

“More people got sick from the intervention than had no intervention been taken whatsoever.”


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