USA’s No 1 Political Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale: Original Ben Klassen and Matt Hale Books for a Donation AND Civil Rights Case Update


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White Shop: Viking Jewelry Key to the gate of heaven
Key to the gate of heaven. Religious symbol hung by the Vikings as an amulet around the neck. It was thought to make it possible for the Vikings to open the gate of heaven themselves.

Friends and Supporters: Send Matt’s brother Mark a $37.00 donation
and I will send you a copy of Matt’s three books: Anti-Theism: A Polemic, Ending White Slavery, and The Racial Loyalist Manifesto to you. Also, I still have many Klassen books. For a $35.00 donation, I will send you three rare Klassen books which are new first or second printings:

Building a Whiter Brighter World
The White Man’s Bible
Nature’s Eternal Religion
On the Brink of a Racial Bloody War
Against the Evil Tide
Expanding Creativity
Salubrious Living
Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs
Klassen Letters Vol 1
Klassen Letters Vol 2

Send your donation and book selections to Matt’s brother Mark at this address. Check, cash or money orders are accepted:

Mark Hale
5128 N. Karen Ct
Peoria, IL 61615

No updates on Matt’s mail but attached are two new documents in The Civil Rights Case. It’s nice to see Matt having his cousin who is a lawyer represent him in this case.

Please forward this email to your friends! Thank you.

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Video: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!
This is the story of how Napoleon tried to solve the Jewish problem in Europe nicely. He got all the Jews together. Then the Jews proceeded to lie to him and he realised it!

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