USA: Its WAR!! MASSIVE fightback to save net neutrality from Jews & Liberals!
Video: Weird Evolution: Blacks with Ostrich Feet: THE VADOMA TRIBE FOUND IN NORTHERN ZIMBABWE KNOWN
These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.
[I’m on a mailing list regarding Net Neutrality. Alex Linder told me that this is a hideous plan whereby the Jews want to see to it that our websites are slowed down while the BIG (Jewish/Liberal/Elite) businesses have access to faster speeds for their websites and this will therefore kill the “common man” who has a website. The news from this mailing list looks positive. It seems as if a massive number of people are phoning congress and engaging in other mass action activities. It sounds as if “common whites” are on the attack. This is hopeful. Let’s hope they can save us! Please do your bit to help in this fight for the Internet. This is (((BIG BUSINESS))) moving in yet again to ensure that they win and the common man loses more of his free speech again through this trick. Jews at work as usual. Jan]
This is the email I received:
Jan, this is unbelievable. Ajit Pai—the former Verizon lawyer running the FCC—spoke yesterday at Verizon Headquarters, just days before his planned vote to kill net neutrality: a massive give-away to Verizon.[1]
Enough is enough. We need to show lawmakers that we refuse to accept this blatant corruption. Protests at Verizon stores and congressional offices are sweeping the country this Thursday. Will you join us?
We’re now less than two weeks from the FCC’s vote to kill net neutrality, but the backlash sweeping the Internet is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.
Last week, we called for protests at Verizon stores and congressional offices in about a dozen cities. But so many people came out of the woodwork and volunteered to organize them that now there are more than 600 actions planned across the country!
Congress still has the power to force the FCC to cancel their vote and put a stop to their plan to allow for Internet censorship, throttling, and extra fees. Making sure these protests make as big a splash as possible is a key ingredient for getting Congress to act before it’s too late.
We urgently need to raise the funds needed to cover the additional costs of organizing so many actions nationwide: from printing banners and signs, to scaling up our text and email recruitment plan.
Will you chip in to help fund our epic plan for more than 600 nationwide net neutrality protests?
Voters from across the political spectrum—including Republicans, Democrats, and Independents—overwhelmingly support existing net neutrality protections.[2] That’s why our strategy is to force Congress to put a stop to Pai’s scheme. Since Ajit Pai is a Republican, our best chance of winning is getting lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to speak out.
The FCC may not be listening to the public, but lawmakers don’t have a choice when faced with massive backlash from constituents—like the more than 700,000 phone calls we’ve driven to Congress through
And it’s working. Last Friday, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine became the first GOP member to publicly oppose the FCC’s plan.[3] Since then, several other Republicans have put out statements expressing their concerns.[4][5]
This is a huge deal. It means there’s still a chance we can stop the FCC from voting. But that will only happen if we can keep the issue in the headlines constantly over the next week, and put pressure directly on key lawmakers in their home districts.
The FCC’s plan is so extreme, it’s clear that Ajit Pai isn’t even trying to pretend that he’s working in the interest of the public.[6] His plan would explicitly allow Internet Service Providers like Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T to shake down small businesses and startups and engage in outright blocking of legal online content.
It’s clear, though, that Pai underestimated just how outraged Internet users would be by the plan. He didn’t expect this much backlash, and that gives us a critical opportunity to spark a nationwide outcry that pushes Congress over the edge and forces them to step in and stop the FCC.
For the future,
-Evan at FFTF
[1] Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.
[3] Fight for the Future: https://www.fightforthefuture.
[4] Rep Reichert:
[5] Daily News-Miner:
[6] Wired:
Video: The Jews tried to kill Adolf Hitler 42 times!
In this video we will look at the 42 times they tried to kill Adolf Hitler. But what is missing from the discussion is the most obvious thing (just like with the death of George Lincoln Rockwell the US Nazi), the JEW!!