USA: Boston: New England: The Heart of ZOG: The centre of Jewish Power in America – Smug arrogant dumb Liberal Whites


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Video & Audio: The FBI Visits Alex Linder about: #TimeToKill
Alex talks about how, 3 weeks ago, 2 FBI agents (white men) came to his house and talked to him about his hash tag: #TimeToKill which he used on Gab some time back.

[This is from a discussion between John Kaminski and someone else in the USA. I was unaware of this. He talks about these Whites thinking they're the cleverest Whites in America and arrogantly looking down on everyone … when in fact they're the DUMBEST Whites in America. We have had the same situation here in South Africa. The Liberals are a snotty bunch, under Jewish influence and they believe that Whites on the right are idiots. But that's just Jewish propaganda junk. Jews try to pretend, and this is fake actually, that Liberals are CLEVER and NAZIS/White Right are STUPID. So they use this snotty type of concept and it works on Whites. We have lots of dumb White Liberals in South Africa who are the same. Same thing. In fact, I have emails from very angry WHITES in Zimbabwe and South Africa in 2001, where they attacked me viciously for being skeptical about Black rule. Some of those Whites who attacked me, were themselves later destroyed. They firmly believed you must work with the Blacks … and they themselves went under and sank! Liberalism is a LOAD OF TOTAL CRAP. It doesn't work. It's pure Jewish BS. Jan]

Here’s what John Kaminski wrote:

… What has bugged me for years is that I spent most of the early part of my life in New England and now have very few people on my list from that region, which has been thoroughly co-opted by Jewish media and universities which have convinced most of the smug residents that they live in the most intelligent area of the USA when in fact they live in the most deluded, precisely because of the Jewish media and educational grip. That’s why they have for years called New England the heart of ZOG, Zionist Occupation Government. It looks down at the rest of the country and thinks it’s so smart when in reality it’s the most out to lunch region, with the probable exceptions of southern California, greater New York City and Miami Beach, where Jewish influence is even greater.

Best wishes,

John K.

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