USA: Blacks 6x more likely to die from COVID-19 than Whites: Blacks holding ENORMOUS parties in Chicago! – My Comments


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Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
When Black leaders do enormous things, Jews and Liberals never criticise them. The scale of what Mugabe did was incredible, but no Jew or Liberal ever screeched about it.

[This is fantastic. Leave these idiotic people to prepare the way for their own death and downfall. Jan]

Blacks Still Having Massive Chicago House Parties, While Claiming Disparate Coronavirus Impact Is Caused By "Racism"

Why are blacks in Chicago more than six times more likely than whites to die from Coronavirus?


Community leaders demand end to ‘racist’ police tactics, want other protections for those ‘most vulnerable’ during pandemic: Their list also includes: end state ban on rent control; fill 2,000 CHA vacant units; increase paid sick leave; open a South Side coronavirus testing site; waive water fees for six months; end “racist” police tactics, such as checkpoints., Chicago Sun Times, April 9, 2020

Black community leaders on Thursday unveiled a sweeping “right to recovery” plan to prevent the coronavirus pandemic from killing even more African Americans — both medically and economically.

Among their demands:

• Lift the ban on rent control and authorize a statewide moratorium on utility shut-offs for six months after the crisis ends.

• Fill 2,000 vacant Chicago Housing Authority units with laid off Chicagoans struggling to pay their rent.

• Dramatically increase paid sick leave, award “hazard pay” to front-line workers, open a coronavirus testing site on the South Side and give guaranteed treatment to those who test positive.

• Waive city water fees for six months.

• End all cash bonds at a Cook County Jail that has seen the nation’s largest known outbreak of the coronavirus and immediately release all inmates over the age of 50.

• And above all, stop using the pandemic as an “excuse to double-down on racist policing” — like checkpoints, curfews and demands for identification — that they say have no place at any time, even if the goal is to flatten the curve by enforcing the statewide stay-at-home order.

“In black neighborhoods on both the South and West Sides of Chicago, people are being told that there is a 5 o’clock curfew … and being pushed off the streets. Also being ticketed, held with cuffs and otherwise detained. There are basically like checkpoint signs in places on the West Side suggesting that folks have to show IDs to be able to travel back and forth,” said Amika Tendaji of Black Lives Matter.

“These are the kinds of terrible behaviors that we saw out of some of the police during Hurricane Katrina. This is a time for police to rebuild trust … lost with the black community and restore faith to show the greatest humanity — not double down on the kind of racist policing practices we’ve seen for far too long.”

Jawanza Malone, executive director of the Kenwood-Oakland Community Organizations said black Chicago is experiencing a “relentless assault.”

“Double-digit unemployment is the norm in our communities. And even in the midst of a health crisis where black people bear the brunt of the deaths related to the coronavirus, we have four hospitals in the black community planned for closure. And Mayor Lightfoot’s response is to increase policing and traffic stops in black neighborhoods,” Malone said.

“This response is beyond unacceptable. She should be using her power to marshal massive resources and develop concrete proposals to protect the most vulnerable, which includes pushing the governor to lift the ban on rent control.”

Ald. Jeanette Taylor (20th) noted that 86,000 people applied for 2,000 city rental assistance grants. She urged the mayor to “do right by the homeless” — by opening up 2,000 vacant units the CHA has been “sitting on.”

“Opening up hotels and YMCA’s — that’s great. But that’s putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound,” Taylor said.

Lightfoot campaigned on a promise to end to water shut-offs, calling water a “basic human right.” But that’s not good enough for Taylor.

“The majority of my calls have been, `I’m not paying my rent. I’m not gonna pay my light and gas because I need to feed my children.’ … Why won’t the city not charge for water bills? For the next six months, what the city can do is to make sure that people don’t have to pay water,” Taylor said.

Lightfoot has responded to the pandemic by shutting down the lakefront and the 606 Trail, cutting off citywide liquor sales at 9 p.m. and by personally breaking up crowds of people.

She has created a $100 million small business resiliency fund and doled out $2 million in rental assistance grants.

Earlier this week, the mayor outlined her own sweeping plan to bridge a racial divide tied to the coronavirus pandemic that mirrors the life expectancy gap between black and white Chicagoans: 72 percent of city residents who died from the virus are African-Americans.

The mayor’s plan includes increased surveillance of groceries and corner stores; relocating articulated buses to South and West Side neighborhoods; and a so-called “racial equity rapid-response team” led by West Side United.



Forget the thirst trap — this packed house party in Chicago featuring a stripper is more like a potential coronavirus trap with all the guests blatantly ignoring quarantine guidelines.

It turns out there was even more reckless behavior going down in Chi-Town over the weekend — this party seemed to have several dozen guests swarming around a stripper wearing a top, but nothing down below. The partygoers, packed in shoulder-to-shoulder, made it rain on her and even got a little handsy.
That might be great for her bottom line, but not so great for health. The video shows no one was thinking a thing about COVID-19, face coverings or maintaining six feet between each other.

This is clearly a trend — as we reported, another Windy City house party had more than 1,000 guests… even as the city struggles to flatten the curve, and combat the disproportionate COVID-19 mortality rate in the black community.

As we reported … Chi-Town officials slapped the owner with fines, and cited her for disorderly conduct — namely, violating the state’s stay-at-home orders.Meanwhile, the stripper party had the potential to get even bigger. A woman who appears to be the homeowner was on video — live on Facebook, mind you — inviting anyone watching to come through.

Unclear if city officials will track her down and fine her ass too.

Chicago is one of America’s most segregated cities, with fatal/nonfatal shootings clustered in communities of color. Just as the violence is found exclusively in black communities in Chicago, so is the Coronavirus.

Naturally, both problems are white people’s fault.

Again, when you understand white flight was the original social distancing, you are immediately capable of comprehending all of post-Shelley vs. Kraemer history in America.

Just as white people have virtually nothing to do with gun violence in Chicago, they have little to do with the outbreak of the Coronavirus in the Windy City.

Segregation, freedom of association outside of state coercion, continues to save lives.

Even in an pandemic.


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Video: Zimbabwe: Chinese & Black Email spying, Assassination & Mass Graves
I chat to Johnny Rodrigues again who is now in Portugal having fled Zimbabwe in recent years because of threats to the life of him and his family. He was a Selous Scout in Rhodesia.

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